Abstract Art

  1. What is abstract art?
    1. Google "expressive abstract art"

    2. What is abstract art?
      1. Do you think all the art on this page is abstract?
      2. Which ones are and which ones are not?
      3. Can we pin it down?
      4. How do we decide?
  2. How do we experience abstract art?
    1. What information do we get from our experience of abstract art?
    2. How do we interpret the information we get?
    3. How does our past experiences play into the way we interpret abstract art?
  3. How do you read this picture?
  4. How do you read this picture?
  5. And this picture?
  1. Form/shape meaning.
    1. What would you say about these lines?
      1. Example one
        1. Find and image that you think is expressie of calm.
      2. Example two
      3. Form/shape meaning examples
    2. How do we use form/shape meaning in our everyday lives?
      1. If you saw someone with one of these expressions what would you think and feel?
        1. Faces with words
        2. Faces without words
        3. More Faces
      2. In a Group of 4 or 5 people pick one of the faces above and discuss what you think the form/shape meaning is.
        1. Present it to the class
    3. How do you read these pictures?
    4. Making a logo for the Hilton Hotel
      1. Hilton's Logos
      2. Create a logo that would feel right for the Hilton Hotel.
  1. Visual Puns